

Chase Jarvis

Sundance part 3...

When I met Chase at the Tweethouse at Sundance, he was introduced to me as a photographer. I don't know a whole lot about the photography world, but I did recognize him from a short film he did for the Nikon Festival:

Chase is an absolute BEAST behind the lens, an artist's artist. Take a look at his portfolio and you'll recognize a lot of his amazing commercial work, and his Songs for Eating and Drinking is a concept unto itself. He and his table guru friend Michael Hebb serve dinner and drinks for some incredibly talented musicians, where they perform songs for each other, artist to artist, just like the old days before they had audiences to play for. I can only imagine the conversations that took place. See it through Chase's eyes at

By the way, his iPhone app "Best Camera" will help improve YOUR photos. And it doesn't end there

Do yourself a favor and spend an hour on his website and you'll be both inspired and humbled. This vid just gives you a taste: